Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor

2 Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Kerman, Iran


Wound complications such as infection, hematoma and seroma formation are major causes of delayed recovery and prolonged hospital stay after cesarean delivery. In addition to surgical technique, suture materials are implicated in these complications. Subcutaneous fat tissue is particularly susceptible to developing such problems because of its poor vascular supply. To investigate any difference between utilization of plain catgut and vicryl in this layer, a prospective, randomized trial was performed on 1000 cases of cesarean section over a period of 4 years. The patients were divided into two groups. Closure of subcutaneous fat layer was completed with plain catgut in the first and vicryl in the second group. Results indicated a significant difference between plain and vicryl materials regarding drainage of purulent discharge from the wound in the absence of fever or need for admission in the hospital (7 cases in plain versus 1 in vicryl group). No case of wound infection in the presence of fever and need for hospital admission occurred and hematoma formation did not differ significantly in the groups. Regarding the high rate of cesarean section in Iran and considering the lower incidence of wound complications in vicryl utilization, it is recommended for closure of subcutaneous fat layer in this procedure.
