Document Type : Case Report


Assistant professor


Naturaly blastocyte implants in the uterine cavity.implantation of blastocyst in anyplace other than the endometrial lining of the uterine cavity is considered an ectopic pregnancy.more than 95% of ectopic pregnancies are tubal pregnancies.ovarian ectopic pregnancy is a rare case with an estimated incidence ranging from % 0.05-1 of the extra uterine pregnancies.if one blastocytes implant simultaneously in the uterine cavity and the other anywhere else other than uterine cavity it is referred to as heterotype pregnancy.this is a rare type of pregnancy and depends on implantion place of the second blastocyte and is named uterine-ovarian,tubal-uterine or...... pregnancy.this is a case report of uterine-ovarian pregnancy in which a live child was born about 13 years ago however a calcified and a term twin fetus remaining in the ovary was taken out with laparotomy.
