Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD of Sport Psychology, Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor of sport psychology, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of clinical psychology, Department of clinical psychology, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Defense mechanisms represent a crucial component of our capacity to maintain emotional homeostasis. The present study is carried out with the purpose of determining the predictability of psychological health and sport success by defense mechanisms used by elite athletes.
Materials & Methods: A sample of 385 (285 male and 100 female) elite athletes were chosen in 2014. Participants completed Mental Health Inventory (MHI), Sport Success Scale and Defense Style Questionnaire. Analysis of the data involved both descriptive and inferential statistics including Pierson’s correlation and multivariate regression analyses.
Results:The results revealed that there were significant positive relationship between mature defense mechanisms with psychological wellbeing and sport success. Also there were significant negative relationship between neurotic defense mechanisms and immature defense mechanisms with psychological wellbeing and sport success, while the neurotic defense mechanisms were significantly associated with distress psychological. The results of regression analysis showed that psychological wellbeing could be predicted by mature and neurotic defense mechanisms. Also sport success could be predicted by immature and neurotic defense mechanisms.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that psychological health components and sport success are influenced by defense mechanisms through self-regulating processes which operate with the aim of reducing cognitive discrepancies and minimizing sudden changes. Therefore, modification of defense mechanisms can improve mental quality of life and sport success in athletes.


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