Document Type : Case Report


1 Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, Iran

2 Mashhad Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Mashhad, Iran

3 Neurogenic Inflammation Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


The Knowledge of variations in the lung can help surgeons to control bleeding during pulmonary lobectomy or might be used to reduce post-operative complications. Due to the importance of the knowledge of variations in lungs for clinicians, especially surgeons and radiologists, we report a case with lung lobe and fissure.
During the autopsy of a 27-year-old man at the Legal Medicine Organization of Mashhad/ Iran in 2016, lung variations were observed. He was a resident of Mashhad and had died of head trauma. On examining the lungs, three fissures (two complete fissures and one incomplete accessory fissure) and four lobes were observed in the right lung. The left lung had two superior and inferior lobes and two fissures (a complete oblique fissure and an incomplete accessory fissure).
Conclusion: The knowledge of anatomical variations in the lungs is important for clinicians because otherwise, it might lead to wrong interpretation of X-ray images and CT scans. For example, accessory fissure(s) may alter the pattern of lung collapse and lead to an erroneous diagnosis. Accessory fissure can also be confused with linear atelectasis and pleural scars.


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