Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor

2 Instructor

3 Assistant professor


The prevalence of low back pain(BPP) ios this study the prevalence of low back pain(LBP) was determined in Kerman province:for this purpose  1000 subjects were selected by systematic random sampling.the data were collected by using a questionnaire and face to face pain is a subjective phenomena,the self-report of LBP was the criteria for pain or absence of pain.for data analysis,Ttest was used for Number of pregnancies and X test for other variabilites.results indicated that prevalence of LBP was 42% in the target populotion.the subjects were in the age of 15-65 year LBP was most common among those who were in the age of 56-65 year,(75%), and in females(49.1%) was more than male,(34%). unmarried individuals had the lowest prevalence (15.5%) and in respect job,high prevalence was in workers (60%) and housewives (54.2%).71.5% of the cases with LBP had no education,and 53% had low education.also prevalence of LBP in jobs that needed standing positive was higher (50%) than jobs requiering sitting position and other position(45%).the results indicated that prevalence of LBP was 47% higher in inviduals that lifted objects incorrectly,there was a significant correlation between LBP and number of labor(p<0.001).
