Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor


Amblyopia is an acquired defect in ocular vision that is due to abnormal visual acuity which can be unilateral of bilateral,and can not be directly related to structural defects or optic radiation.Amblyopia can be effectively treated during the first decade of lift in most cases.for this reason in a cross sectional study in 1996 with multistage random sampling 1726 students in age 7-8 years old were examined in Kerman primary schools.the results were as follow:775 of children were female (45%) and 951 were male(55%),Amblyopia was present in:1.70% (2% female and 1.4% male) of the 7.5% ,(9.4% female and 6.2% male of cases there was a refractory error. there was no significant relationship between prevalence of Amblyopia and sex but there was statisticolly relationship between sex and refractory error(p<0.05).
