Document Type : Review Article


Assistant Professor of the Law Department of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Maintaining the public health of society is one of the duties of governments and for its realization in the constitution and ordinary laws, mechanisms have been provided to perform this duty. Maintaining public health requires the provision of health facilities, access to medical services, and adequate monitoring of medical and pharmaceutical products, and other issues that need to be categorized and identified. Obviously, this will require attention to non-criminal solutions along with criminal components, one of the most important of which is crime prevention issues. The present article uses descriptive and analytical methods and explores documentary and library sources, emphasizing the special conditions that have arisen from the prevalence and epidemic of coronavirus in society, to study the issue and achieve these results. The institution of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil as a religious doctrine can pave the way for the spread of this type of criminal policy. In addition, strategies such as regulating specific emergencies, such as quarantining and the like, providing for the living and economic needs of the people, and dealing with factors that undermine people's sense of trust are examples of progressive strategies. The legislature is in choosing an effective criminal policy from the perspective of prevention.


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